Kate Pinsent Dolls

1/12, 1/24 & 1/48 posable dolls, Tudor to modern. Other characters and periods to order.

My mother, Jill Bennett, started making dolls when I was still at primary school and I helped paint cats, dogs and rocking horses from an early age.  My first solo attempt was a ‘sausage’ dog doorstop made of felt and stuffed.

I trained as a dressmaker, but when my second child was born I found it too difficult to have sticky fingers around expensive fabric and so started to dress some of mum’s dolls.  It was while helping her at Miniatura that I was persuaded to start my own range of 1/24th dolls.  I now make dolls in 1/12th, 1/24th and 1/48th scale but my favourite is still the half size.

I attend both the spring and autumn Miniaturas and it is always lovely to see some old faces and catch up and also meet some new people who share a common interest.

I have a small workroom which is stuffed full of all sorts of useful bits and pieces.  When I am preparing for a show there is hardly room for me to walk around as I have piles of what I need around my chair.  I tend to work 4 – 5 hours a day, but in the winter this can be hard because the light goes so quickly.  In the summer I can keep going a little longer if I haven’t got other calls on my time, like the garden…..

I love to get lost in the stories of the characters I create – they all have real characters, which is what makes them interesting for me.  I think that is the magic of the miniature world and the possibilities are endless.


Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls
Kate Pinsent Dolls