Pip Walters Oil Paintings

One-off, original, miniatures landscape oil paintings in 1/12 to 1/48 scale.

Pip Walters Miniature Paintings

I paint one off, original, unique oil paintings in 1/12 scale. The vast majority are from imagination. I never paint the same scene twice and I never make prints of my work, so each piece is literally one of a kind. I also make bespoke hand-painted MDF frames for my specific sizes of work.

I began painting landscapes in oil in the Autumn of 2011 after re-discovering the late American painter and TV personality Bob Ross on television. Although I have always enjoyed drawing, I never aspired to paint… it just wasn’t a medium I thought I would be able to use. However, I found the wet on wet oil painting method I had seen Mr Ross using was easily achievable and painting quickly became an obsession, a compulsion even, at a time of particular difficulty for my mental health (major work stress!). I began painting every day and soon amassed a number of artworks.

I never wanted to emulate Bob Boss’s scenes particularly and, over the years, I have experimented with different paints and brushes and pushed the method to develop a style I enjoy. I have a particular affinity with skies and trees, so the vast majority of my pieces contain both, with a single, coloured tree on a grey toned backdrop becoming my ‘signature’ style. I have painted a couple of florals, but those are rare!

I began painting miniatures both as a way of using paint left over from larger works, and in order to be able to continue painting in a session, rather than having to clean up and then wait for a larger piece to dry. Miniature oil paintings are also easier to store and dry more quickly! My first art sale was a miniature, a tiny 1.5 x 1” piece painted on mount board. I posted it on eBay at a starting bid of 99p and was blown away when it was bid up to a selling price of £9.99! I later discovered the collectible ACEO – Art Card Editions and Originals, artworks of a specific size of 3.5 x 2.5”. I began selling these on eBay too. I showed my tiny pieces to my brother and he said, ‘blimey bro, you’ll be painting postage stamps next’. I saw this as a gauntlet raised, measured a stamp and produced my smallest ever painting. I then proceeded to paint one half the size of a stamp and then one half THAT size too! Since then, my smallest has been 5mm x 5mm!

When someone suggested I could sell miniatures to the dolls house and miniature maker community, I began painting more and more for that market, with the added realisation that there are non-dolls house makers that simply collect tiny artworks too. I am totally in awe at the tiny things so many people design and make, so to be able to add a little something to this vast community is rather special and humbling.

I resurrected an Etsy shop I had opened back in 2013 and have been selling on there ever since, with only the odd older piece going on eBay (although the latter can be something of a lottery). Thanks to the two platforms though, plus the gallery platform Artfinder, I find myself in the heady position of being an ‘international selling artist’. In 2023 I plan to develop my own website and maybe my hobby that pays for itself might become something more!

I teamed up with a friend and ex-work colleague to attend various art/craft fairs and I really appreciate the opportunity to discuss my work with customers. I receive great comments and even if I don’t make a sale, it is heart- warming to have a complete stranger tell you your work is amazing. It is one thing your family and friends telling you your work is great, but validation from a stranger is very rewarding indeed.

Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings
Pip Walters Miniature Paintings