Vintage Miniatures
I have a vague memory of being taken to see a huge dollhouse as a very young child whilst on a family holiday – it was the miniature items within the house that fascinated me the most, in particular a pack of playing cards spilled across the floor.
Making miniatures was always something I wanted to try but never had the time. After years of visiting shows, collecting books and even buying miniatures as inspiration (including a still unbuilt greenhouse kit) that time came during “lockdown”.
Whilst having a clear out of old Dollhouse and Miniature magazines I came across some photos of 1/12th scale food. Having a cupboard full of craft materials, I pulled out some Fimo and got started.
I began with my cheese and charcuterie platters and then thought what better to serve with them than a bottle of wine. However, I couldn’t find any that were true to scale, so then came the challenge of making my own from scratch….
Since lockdown, life is back to normal, but now I make the time to create my miniatures!